InvestmentNews – “Demand for ESG investing is knocking at your door … or should be”

Season’s Greetings, Catching the attention of financial media recently is our partner, Cameron Barsness, who has been featured in panels in NYC and San Francisco at the forefront of two prevailing investment subjects:  investing with the Environmental, Social & Governance (“ESG”) lens and women’s leadership in the financial counseling industry. “The Fruits of ESG,” a […]

Morningstar Magazine – “The Fruits of ESG”

KBBS partner Cameron Barsness recently spoke with Tom Lauricella, writing for Morningstar Magazine, about KBBS’ proactive approach to discussing environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing with clients. “Barsness says that when the clients are a couple, the questionnaire is especially valuable because often one partner is more vocal than the other and will lead the […]

Financial Market Reflections Since the Election

As we all head into the Thanksgiving holiday in the wake of the historic election, we may expect some difficult dinner table conversations among differently-minded friends and family members. While we can’t ease that process, we can offer our observations and thoughts about what Trump’s election has meant and may hold for the economy and […]