Seattle, WA, March 04, 2025—Kutscher Benner Barsness & Stevens is proud to announce principal Cam Barsness was named to the 2025 Washington State Top Women Wealth Advisors Best-In-State list compiled by Forbes in partnership with SHOOK Research. This is the third year in a row that Cam was included on the list. For the past nine […]
This is the time in the calendar when we write about the prior year and our thoughts about the investment environment moving forward. This year, the timing coincides with us recommending an adjustment across client accounts (separate correspondence about the specifics of trading, if applicable, will follow as needed), so that will be the focus […]
Several days removed from the conclusion of this presidential election cycle, we find ourselves revisiting the remarkably familiar themes that surrounded the 2016 election, and observations we shared at that likewise transitional time, many of which continue to be relevant today. As was the case then, and with a second Trump administration set to take […]
As we approach election day, we expect that many of you, like us, are experiencing varying measures of anxiety, anticipation, hope and apprehension. There are many “what ifs” to contemplate, and some that may keep you up at night, but as we review historical norms, market sentiment, and analytical data, we’re comforted that elections, at […]
KBBS shareholder Gianna Giusti spoke with Ben Mattlin of Financial Advisor Magazine for an article about the final IRS rule on inherited IRAs. “The industry generally saw this coming,” said Gianna Giusti at KBBS Financial in Seattle. Two years ago, the IRS released proposed regulations that indicated what would happen, she said. But in certain […]
Summer is supposed to be the season when the only thing to pursue seriously is leisure. The culture sections of newspapers (or their online equivalents) are loaded with lists of books you should read at the beach. Of course, that’s essentially an unreachable ideal, like your author keeping his truck washed. (A little Vashon humor […]
With the summer travel season nearly upon us, we are put in mind of the inevitable waiting involved. Waiting in airports. Waiting on family members. Waiting in line for amusement rides. Federal Reserve Chair Powell’s press conference following the most recent Fed meeting had the same feeling as when the airport gate attendant finally announces […]
Seattle, WA, March 6, 2024—Kutscher Benner Barsness & Stevens is proud to announce principal Cam Barsness was named to the 2024 Washington State Top Women Wealth Advisors Best-In-State list compiled by Forbes in partnership with SHOOK Research. Barsness was also among 2023 award winners. This is the eighth annual list of Forbes/SHOOK Top Women Wealth Advisors, […]
KBBS principal Scott Benner spoke with Ben Mattlin of Financial Advisor Magazine for an article about 2024 required minimum distributions. “And this year isn’t the best time for Roth conversions—they’re best done in lower RMD years. . . High-distribution years like 2024, in fact, show how such conversions smooth taxation over five to 10 years,” […]
As we enter tax season and many of our clients are working with their tax professionals to finalize their taxes for 2023, we want to remind everyone that with the change of calendars comes new tax considerations. Every year, the IRS adjusts amounts exempt from federal estate and gift taxes to consider inflation. Also, Congress […]